Microsoft Office Excel 12

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What reference do I need to use Microsoft. Office. Interop. Excel in. NET I am interested in using C to manipulateAutomate Excel files. After browsing the web I have found VSTO but it seems you can not use that in Visual Studio Express Edition so I can not use that. Just few minutes ago I noticed a question in this site that used this namespace in its code Microsoft. Office. Interop. Excel. Diplomat Built In Oven Manual. Kxl7gPztuLc/VquPCjFxQWI/AAAAAAAABPo/1ZdHttG0pE8/s1600/excel%2B2003%2Bupdate%2B2016.png' alt='Microsoft Office Excel 12v33ah\/20hr' title='Microsoft Office Excel 12v33ah\/20hr' />So I am wondering if all I need to use that is add necessary reference and if so which reference to add UPDATEI installed Primary Interop Assemblies as the accepted answer suggested but for some reason they are still missing in the Add Reference dialog under. NET but they are present in GAC. Hex To Ascii Converter Software more. So I just added the reference using Browse and located Microsoft. Office. Interop. Excel. GAC folder. But looking for similar questions on this site regarding adding reference from GAC it seems this is not recommended. DYWf3/x360-KLH.jpg' alt='Microsoft Office Excel 12 Gauge' title='Microsoft Office Excel 12 Gauge' />Microsoft Office Excel 12Microsoft Office Excel 12vGet Office 365 for home or for business or try it for free. Take a look at the software and tools that Office 365 can provide for your hoiome or business. Nothing is difficult once you have learned it. That applies to Microsoft Office Excel 2007 as well, and once you have learned it, you will be able to do things you. Lists the updates for Microsoft Office that were released on September 2017. If an Excel workbook in XML Spreadsheet format. Nds Cheat Dat Er here. UTF16 Unicode text stream, you may have problems opening it in the expected program when trying. Microsoft Office Excel 1212What I want to do Im trying to use the Microsoft. Office. Interop. Excel namespace to open an Excel file XSL or CSV, but sadly not XSLX and import it into a DataSet.